Archive for June 30th, 2018

June 2018 Scrabble tournament: Part 3 of 4

June 30, 2018

By Matthew E. Milliken
June 30, 2018

I opened the second day of the Scrabble tournament with the final three legs of our 11-game round-robin, all against North Carolina players whom I’d faced before. First up, in game 9, was N—, whom I’d narrowly defeated in the spring. Playing second, she built up a modest 75-51 lead over the first four turns.

However, she exchanged all seven of her tiles in turn 5, allowing me to form ASSIzED*/TIPI, a 74-point bingo. (Assize, which takes an -S, is not a verb; it’s a noun meaning a court session, an inquest, law or legal edict or judgment.)

N— came right back with OUtDRAW/DO, a 75-point bingo that made the score 150-142 in her favor.

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