Posts Tagged ‘Google Sheets’

Geekery: Blog statistics, part 3

March 7, 2022
Photo by Nothing Ahead on

By Matthew E. Milliken
March 7, 2022

I’ve broken down this blog by posts by specific month. I’ve broken down this blog by posts by year. Now it’s time to break down this blog by posts by calendar month — meaning the name of the month, as opposed to a particular month in a particular year.

• December has been my most prolific month, with 144 posts over 10 months during this blog’s nearly decade-long existence. I hit the blog’s all-time high with 40 items in 2012 and had my lowest December output, eight pieces, in 2018 and 2021.

• Over the 310 December days since this blog’s inception, I’ve made 0.46 posts per day. That’s an average time elapsed between posts of 2.15 days, or 2 days, 3 hours and 40 minutes.

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Geekery: Blog statistics, part 2

March 6, 2022
Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on

By Matthew E. Milliken
March 6, 2022

Following up on yesterday’s entry, let’s see if I can find some interesting tidbits in my spreadsheet on posts by year.

• This blog’s high-water mark came in 2015, when I put up 220 posts. That works out to 0.6 posts per day or one post every 1 day, 15 hours, 49 minutes and 5.45 seconds (1.66 days), with an average of 18.3 posts per month — all tops in those fields.

• In 2015, my most prolific month was January with 26 posts. My least prolific months were February and December with 15 entries apiece.

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Geekery: Blog statistics, part 1

March 5, 2022
Photo by cottonbro on

By Matthew E. Milliken
March 5, 2022

I decided the other day to look at some statistics for this blog, which will turn 10 years old on June 13. I thought I’d assembled such stats in the past, but after reviewing my Google Sheets, I couldn’t find the information.

So I added a tab to my cloud-based spreadsheet that automatically tracks new blog posts, I used Google Sheets’s importHTML function to scoop up the hypertext markup language list of months and posts that appears under the “Archives” header on the leftmost rail of the blog, and I started playing around.

A few days later, I have several new tabs and a lot more experience wrangling with spreadsheets. I also have a dynamic[1] table that breaks down posts by month and year; by year; and by name of month (January, February, etc.).

Here are a few highlights of posts by month and year:

• Through Monday, Feb. 28, 2022, I’ve made a total of 1,393 posts over 3,548 days. That amounts to one post every 2 days, 13 hours, 7 minutes and 42.6 seconds (2.55 days), or 0.39 posts every day.

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Geekery: Noodling with IFTTT, WordPress and Google Sheets

September 10, 2021

By Matthew E. Milliken
Sept. 10, 2021

More than three years ago, I set up an applet on the invaluable Web service that I still think of as If This Then That. The service, actually known as IFTTT, lets users create simple programs that run automatically.

My inelegantly titled “Log your #wordpress blog posts in Spread sheet” applet was set up no earlier than Sunday, May 13, when I wrote about the Durham County, N.C., primary election, and no later than Thursday the 17th, when I posted about updating passwords for my myriad Internet accounts.

Ever since May 17, 2018, IFTTT has faithfully logged every post on this blog on a Google Sheets spreadsheet stored on my Google Drive cloud account. I rarely refer to the spreadsheet, but the other night, I decided to take a peek and make some modifications.

The first change was easy: I inserted the label “Days since previous post” atop the fifth column. The first four columns are, in order, “Date-Time,” “Title,” “Full URL” and “Category, tags.” Then I fiddled around with some spreadsheet functions in order to convert the first column into a number.

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