Memorial Day musings

May 29, 2023
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By Matthew E. Milliken
May 29, 2023

As I write this, it is the afternoon of Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2023.

This is a day of rest and recreation. For many Americans, this weekend represents the unofficial start of summer — a time dedicated to relaxation and enjoyment. However, I hope that at some point during this day, each person takes a few moments to reflect on the sacrifices that enabled us to appreciate this prosperous, largely peaceful nation.

I also hope that we will consider the notion that the people who died to secure the United States did so not because this nation is perfect but because ours is a nation whose residents are largely able to enjoy, in the words of the Declaration of Independence, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I also hope that many of us will resolve to honor America’s war dead not by grilling hamburgers and hot dogs, going swimming, downing cold beverages or buying mattresses or electronics but instead by engaging in acts of public service. One needn’t join the armed forces to make a difference; we can do so by volunteering, by giving to charity or even by something as small as picking up a piece of litter on a sidewalk or in a public park.

After all, wouldn’t the ultimate tribute to the memory of slain soldiers, sailors, marines and fliers be to bequeath to future generations a nation that they would be proud to have seen and we are glad to have helped improve?

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