Archive for December 31st, 2022

Year-end reflections for 2022

December 31, 2022

By Matthew E. Milliken
Dec. 31, 2022

As I sit here on the cusp of the turning of the calendar, the biggest event in my life over the past year is obvious: I moved for the second time in less than 12 months and for what I hope will be the last time in several years, and perhaps even longer. I described parts of the moving and the settling-in process in this post from April, this post from June and this post from September.

The settling-in continues. I went through a major bout of activity to make my place more or less presentable for out-of-town family in recent days, clearing away clutter — which often involved putting stuff in out-of-the-way locations — and emptying boxes of DVDs and CDs. But the room I’ve designated as an office is a disaster zone, one of the bedrooms is still filled with too much clutter and the other bedroom is usable but not finished in the sense that it contains a bunch of random stuff, such as a detached headboard, a half-height bookcase without shelves or books and two child-sized bed tables.

I have a bunch of projects to do over the next year. I’ll finish the process of reinforcing the mirror I hung in the hallway for a short time until the partially rotted wood gave out and the cable pulled out of the back of the frame. I’ll scan some old documents and get rid of a bunch of paper in my office. I’ll hang curtains over the glass on my front door to replace the shelf liner that I currently use to screen views of the inside. I’ll put up small matching wooden Vs near the back entrance to support the tension rod where I hang a privacy curtain, a jacket or two and the occasional item I need to put in my car for specific trips. And on and on…

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