Archive for August 10th, 2021

Vignette: The miniature sink and the kitchen cabinet doors

August 10, 2021

By Matthew E. Milliken
Aug. 10, 2021

Author’s note: On Aug. 30, 2021, I adjusted the final paragraph of this post to correct the amount of time I had lived in my then-current residence. The new word appears in boldface and the word it supersedes appears in strikethrough font. MEM

In late March 2020, as Covid-19 was ravaging New York City, the governor of New York closed nonessential business around the state and banned social events. The shutdown order, which unfortunately came too late to prevent many thousands of deaths, prompted me to drive to my parent’s house on Sunday the 22nd.

I stayed there for around two months, the longest I have ever been away from my current residence in Durham.

When I returned in May, I realized something very odd.

The place I rent has one bathroom. The sink in that bathroom is set extremely low. For some reason, I had never noticed this before, but after a prolonged absence, the height — or rather the lack thereof — struck me.

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